Activated Charcoal for Health, by Britt Brandon (Adams Media, 2017), is a guide on how to incorporate activated charcoal into your lifestyle through recipes, DIY beauty and self-care products, remedies, and more uses. Brandon’s approach compliments a holistic approach to wellness. Make your own natural, unique, and affordable eye makeup with these DIYs for eyeliner and mascara.
Create A Natural Eyeliner
An astounding number of eyeliners litter the shelves of every grocery and drugstore. Many claim to be hypoallergenic, all-natural, or organic, making it difficult to discern which product is the best choice. While these store-bought varieties may seem reputable, inexpensive, and easy, many of them can end up taking a toll on your wallet, your time, and your health. If you choose the wrong eyeliner that isn’t appropriate for your skin or the condition of your eyes, the result can be irritation, inflammation, or infection that causes redness in and around the eyes, discharge, or even swelling. In order to avoid these undesirable and uncomfortable conditions, you can create your very own hypoallergenic eyeliner in the comfort of your own home using inexpensive, all-natural ingredients that support skin and eye health while highlighting the eyes in the same way as store-bought varieties.
Not only can you duplicate the aesthetic qualities of store-bought eyeliner, but you can also promote the health of your eyes and skin with the antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial benefits of activated charcoal, as well as the moisturizing support of coconut oil. Reducing the risk of irritation, inflammation, and redness while also moisturizing the extremely sensitive skin around the eyes, this healthy, all-natural combination can be used as often as necessary.
To Create A Natural Eyeliner:
• 1 teaspoon fine activated charcoal powder
• 1 tablespoon coconut oil
1. Combine both ingredients in a small glass jar with a tight-fitting lid and shake vigorously before every use.
Recommendations For Use:
A store-bought eyeliner applicator brush can be used to apply the solution around the eyes. Apply sparingly in order to achieve the desired effect. This application can be stored in any cool, dark area for up to 30 days.
Create A Natural Mascara
For anyone who suffers from sensitive eye issues, such as inflammation, irritation, or redness, mascara can be a complicated purchase. Manufacturers and marketers involved in the production of mascara try to emphasize their products’ ability to produce beautiful, lengthened, luxurious lashes with a simple swoop of a mascara brush. With the concern for eye health growing and eye sensitivity issues on the rise, mascara manufacturers have begun to focus on including “all-natural” ingredients that can help their products be more “eye-friendly.”
These hypoallergenic ingredients, however, are often far outweighed by synthetic ingredients, chemicals, dyes, and so on, leading to irritations, redness, and other adverse reactions.
In an effort to create a safer, truly all-natural, more health-promoting product that can achieve the same effect as store-bought mascaras, a number of consumers have turned to activated charcoal.
Helping to reduce the risk of allergic reactions, infections, inflammation, and redness, activated charcoal and coconut oil join forces in the following recipe to create the perfect alternative mascara for the consumer who desires an inexpensive, all-natural way to achieve long, luxurious lashes.
Building better lashes and promoting overall health, this simple solution can make anyone love their lashes while safeguarding their eyes…naturally.
To Make A Charcoal Mascara:
• 1 teaspoon fine activated charcoal powder
• 1 tablespoon coconut oil
1. Combine both ingredients in an emptied mascara tube and stir or shake the solution vigorously before use.
2. Apply to the lashes using the same method you would for a store-bought mascara, storing in any cool, dark area for up to 30 days.
More from Activated Charcoal for Health:
• Activated Charcoal’s Many Health Benefits
• Treat Sensitive Teeth With Activated Charcoal
• Caramel Chocolate Charcoal Macaroons
Excerpted fromActivated Charcoal for Healthby Britt Brandon. Copyright © 2017 Adams Media, a division of Simon and Schuster. Used by permission of the publisher. All rights reserved.