So easy, so nutritious, and so tasty, follow this recipe for Ezekiel bread.
Ezekiel bread has a reputation for being nutritious, but can it also be easy to make, and tasty? This recipe is all of that!
Ingredients are taken directly from the Biblical account of instructions given to Ezekiel. The secret to making this bread light and lovely? Go easy on the flour, your dough can be a bit sticky for the final rise. And use 1 Tablespoon of gluten. The bread’s reduced wheat content makes it lower in gluten so adding a bit extra will just give you a higher rise. If you prefer a heavier loaf, omit the gluten.
You can purchase ground flours or grind your own in a high speed blender, especially since you use just 1/4 cup of the bean, lentil, millet and barley flours. If you don’t want a coarse grind flour, grind a bit extra and sift out the coarse portions.
Ezekiel Bread Machine Recipe
- 1-1/4 cups water (I use hot tap water but you can warm on the stovetop, too)
- 1/4 cup honey or maple syrup
- 1-1/2 teaspoons instant yeast
In cold weather, I heat the measuring cup with some hot water before I use it so it doesn’t affect the temperature range I want.
Measure the water and syrup into a measuring cup. Using a digital thermometer, check the temperature range. If it’s below 105, you can warm ¼ cup of the liquid on the stovetop to reach the correct temperature range. Once it’s the correct temperature, stir in the yeast, dissolving as much of the yeast as possible. Set aside.
- 2-1/4 cups white wheat flour (red wheat flour produces a coarser bread)
- 3/4 cup spelt flour
- 1/4 cup barley flour
- 1/4 cup millet flour
- 1/4 cup lentil flour
- 1/4 cup bean flour (I used black bean but any bean flour would work)
- 1-1/2 teaspoons salt
- 1 Tablespoon wheat gluten (optional but gives a higher rise)
Sift all dry ingredients well.
If temperatures are very cold, I use hot water to warm my bread machine canister before I use it. Pour yeast mixture into bread machine; add dry ingredients.
2 Tablespoons olive oil or vegetable oil
Pour the oil on top of the dry ingredients. Start the machine.
My bread machine completes a mix/knead (10-18 minutes) rest (20 minutes) mix/knead cycle (10-18 minutes). When that is complete, place the dough in a bread pan sprayed/coated with a non-stick product. I place my pan in my oven, which is warmed to near 100 degrees. Cover the pan with a tea towel to help keep it from drying out while the dough rises.
Within 30 to 45 minutes the dough should raise satisfactorily. Don’t allow it to rise too high or it’s likely to fall when you bake it. Remove the raised dough from the oven; heat the oven to 350 degrees (Fahrenheit). Bake for 30 to 45 minutes or until the crust is well browned. Remove from the oven and immediately take the bread out of the pan and cool on a rack for a couple of hours. Enjoy!
Find more of Loretta Sorensen’s recipes and book, Secrets To Baking Your Best Bread Ever! contains more recipes and a wealth of baking pointers.