4 Natural Remedies for Winter Wellness

These recipes are super easy to make and so appreciated by everyone who uses them.

Reader Contribution by Suzanne Tabert
Published on February 13, 2019
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by Unsplash/Megumi Nachev

Winter time frigid temperatures and wind bring sniffly noses, congestion, sore throat, and chapped lips and skin. Natural remedies made without synthetic scents or petroleum ingredients are such an important part of a healthy lifestyle. These recipes are super easy to make and so appreciated by everyone who uses them.

All Natural Vapor Rub

An all natural alternative to petroleum based vapor rubs! Works a charm to relieve stuffy noses, congestion, and headaches.

• 1 oz melted beeswax
• 1 cup extra virgin olive oil, warmed
• 1 teaspoon eucalyptus essential oil
• 1 teaspoon camphor essential oil
• 1 teaspoon peppermint essential oil
• 20 drops rosemary essential oil
• 20 drops lavender essential oil

Melt the beeswax in a saucepan and stir in the olive oil. Take off the heat and stir in the essential oils. Pour into a Pyrex measuring cup, then into jars. The vapor rub can be applied under the nose, on the chest, behind the ears to relieve congestion and promote free breathing. Rub on at the base of the skull and on the temples to relieve headaches. Make sure to keep the vapor rub away from the eyes. For easy clean up, wipe out the saucepan immediately after pouring into the measuring cup with paper towels, then clean with dish soap.

Lemon Ginger Cough and Sore Throat Relief

Loaded with Vitamin C, antivirals, warming relief, and it’s tasty to boot!

• 1 large organic lemon, quartered and thinly sliced, rind included
• 3-4 inches of fresh ginger, grated
• 1 pint of honey

Place lemon and ginger in a pint jar and fill with honey. Let steep for 2 weeks. Can be strained or left as is. Add to hot water, tea or just take it by the spoonful. Keeps in the fridge for up to 6 months. Kids love this in fizzy water. That’s called a shrub!

Shea Butter Extreme Lip Therapy

Super moisturizing–perfect for winter-chapped lips!

• 3 oz. unrefined shea butter
• 2 oz. cocoa butter
• 1 oz avocado, sesame, or olive oil
• 1 oz beeswax
• 20 drops peppermint essential oil
• 10 drops spearmint essential oil
• 10 drops tangerine essential oil

Melt beeswax in a saucepan, stir in shea and cocoa butters and avocado oil until melted. Take off heat and add essential oils. Pour into a Pyrex measuring cup and into lip balm tubes, little pots, or metal tins.

Whipped Body Butter

Slather the whipped body butter all over your body and you can almost hear your skin say, “Aaaahhhhh!” Such sweet relief from dry, chapped skin.

• 10 oz. unrefined shea butter
• 3.5 oz. medicinal oil, avocado, sesame, almond oils, etc. of choice
• 1/4 tsp rosemary extract
• 1 oz. cocoa butter
• 1.5 oz. beeswax
• 1 tsp essential oil of choice (optional)

Melt the beeswax in a saucepan, adding the cocoa butter when the beeswax is fully melted. When the cocoa butter is melted, take the pan off the heat, and add to the shea, medicinal oil, rosemary extract, and essential oils of choice in your mixer bowl. Whip for a few minutes, taking care to stop the mixer and scrape the bowl several times to make sure all the ingredients are fully mixed. Spoon into a ziplock baggie, seal, clip off one corner, and squeeze into jars.

Optional essential oil blends:

Energizing: 3/4 tsp grapefruit, 1/4 tsp ginger

Relaxing: 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/4 tsp orange or neroli, 10 drops sandalwood

Peaceful Easy Feeling: 1/2 tsp frankincense, 1/4 tsp geranium, 1/4 tsp orange

Good Karma: 1/2 tsp clove, 1/4 tsp lavender, 1/4 tsp clary sage

A word about essential oils. Make sure that what is bought and used are pure essential oils, not synthetic “perfumes.” Synthetics are made from petroleum ingredients which can cause cancer and hormone disruption. Do your homework and buy from reputable sources

Enjoy and have a super winter!

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