I’m not going to lie, I actually love the smell of Vicks vapour rub, but in the aim of having a DIY home, I had to give this a go myself and it really does work. The other beauty here is that when you put Vicks under your nose, it kind of burns; this does not! It’s also great for headaches – just put a little on your temples and where the pain is on your forehead.
Yield: makes 150g
- 150g coconut oil
- 4 sprigs each of oregano, sage, thyme and basil, ripped into pieces
- 15 drops of thyme essential oil
- 15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
- 15 drops of lavender essential oil
- 10 drops of lemon essential oil
Gently heat the coconut oil and all of the herbs in a double boiler until the oil begins to go slightly green. If you don’t have a double boiler, simply place the coconut oil and herbs in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of barely simmering water (ensuring the bottom of the bowl doesn’t touch the water underneath).
Remove from the heat and leave to cool, then strain into a clean bowl or jug and stir in the essential oils. Transfer to a small, sterilized jar, seal and label. Store in the bathroom for up to 6 months. Use liberally when needed.
Cover courtesy of Kyle Books
More from The Art of Herbs for Health:
The Art of Herbs for Healthby Rebecca Sullivan © 2018 Kyle Books, Photographs © 2018 Nassima Rothacker, Illustrations © 2018 Chrissy Lau. No images may be used, in print or electronically, without written consent from the publisher.
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