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<p align=”center”>Photo by Tanakawho/Courtesy flickr<br />
<a href=”http://flickr.com/photos/28481088@N00/”>http://flickr.com/photos/28481088@N00/</a>
<p>Growing up with three brothers in tiny living quarters didn’t deter me from taking 30-minute showers when I was younger. Part of it was because I wasn’t (and am still not) a morning person; the shower was the place where I woke up as I stood under the stream of hot running water. This didn’t go over well with my siblings or my parents, who yelled at me a lot for this wasteful habit.</p>
<p>Now that I’m older (and paying my own water bill), I’ve perfected the art of the 8-minute shower. But now, I think it’s going to get shorter: I recently chopped my hair to just about nothing, and my first short-hair shower this morning took all of five minutes (and less of the <a title=”pricey organic shampoo” href=”/naturally-beautiful/2008-10-14/usda-organic-beauty-products.aspx?blogid=2402″>pricey organic shampoo</a>!).</p>
<p>In the morning I am notoriously behind schedule, but with shorter hair and a greener mindset, I’m excited to save time and money in the morning. A few months ago, I installed a <a title=”showerhead shut off valve” href=”http://www.green-logic.net/rasashshoffv.html” target=”_blank”>showerhead shut off valve</a> to stop the flow of water in my shower when I’m lathering up; I’ve yet to replace my actual showerhead, though.</p>
<p>Any suggestions for a cheaper model showerhead or other time and money-saving techniques for the bathroom? I live in a rental, so I can’t invest in a <a title=”low-flow toilet” href=”https://www.motherearthliving.com/home-products/how-low-can-you-flow.aspx”>low-flow toilet</a>. Leave me a comment and let me know!</p>
Shorter Hair, Shorter Showers
Reader Contribution by Staff
|Published on November 3, 2008 
Tagged with: Reader Contributions
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