Product Reviews: Alternative Aromatherapy Products

Reader Contribution by Ariel Tilson
Published on April 8, 2010
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Next time you could use a little aromatherapy pick-me-up, try some alternative aromatherapy products. Aromatherapy is mostly practiced at home, but with these products you can maintain your aromatherapy-induced bliss all day long. Inhale relaxing, healing scents for up to 24 hours with Naturopatch of Vermont‘s line of essential oil body patches. The adhesive on these essential oil patches is made from a biocompatible gel matrix which acts as a carrier oil and is absorbed more quickly through direct contact with your skin. Their special blends include formulas for soothing aches and pains, calming stress and enhanced energy. I first saw them for sale at a yoga center and felt like I could use one of each.

Courtesy Naturopatch of Vermont

If you’re not keen on wearing a patch all day, try some jewelry. The sterling silver aromatherapy pendants from Earth Solution’s line of jewelry open up for you to place a few drops of essential oil on a small fiber pad. They have seven Aromatherapy Chakra Pendant gift sets to choose from and each set includes a gift box, an information card, a sterling silver pendant and a 10 ml glass of an aromatherapy blend.

CourtesyOrganic Bug

Have you tried any of these products before? How do you use aromatherapy? Leave me a comment and let me know.

If you’d like to know more about aromatherapy, check out some of our past articles:

• Restorative Perfumes: Aromatherapy & Essential Oils by Edwin T. Morris
• Aromatherapy Garden by Holly Shimizu
• Aromatherapy: Skin Care by Brenda Stansfield
The Fragrant Art of Aromatherapy by Laurel Vukovic
Aromatherapy 101 by Kathi Keville

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