Makes ½ ounce
This is a rich conditioning balm that you can use on your eyebrows to keep them in place and to keep the skin beneath them moisturized. Lanolin is a rich natural emollient and can be found in the baby-care section of many grocery stores; if you cannot find it, substitute coconut oil. To use, simply rub or brush a bit into your eyebrows.
•1 teaspoon castor oil
•1 teaspoon lanolin or coconut oil
•1 teaspoon grated beeswax
1. Combine ingredients in a small saucepan. Heat gently until beeswax is melted.
2. Pour melted mixture into a small container and allow to cool completely.
Janice Cox is the author of Natural Beauty at Home (Henry Holt, 2002). For more recipes and ideas, visit her website