This light body powder will keep you cool, refreshed and collected on a hot summer day. You can find the peppermint oil at your local natural foods store. MAKES 8 OUNCES
• 1/2 teaspoon peppermint essential oil
• 1 teaspoon witch hazel extract
• 1 cup cornstarch
1. Mix together oil, witch hazel and cornstarch in a sealable plastic bag or container.
2. Seal container and shake gently until powder is well mixed.
3. Pour into a clean shaker container.
4. To use, sprinkle onto clean skin.
Janice Cox is the author of Natural Beauty at Home, Natural Beauty for All Seasons and Natural Beauty from the Garden, all published by Henry Holt and Company (New York).
Click here for the main article, Body & Soul: Use Marvelous Mint for Better Skin Health.