Are you interested in maintaining an excellent state of health? Do you want to eliminate all harmful toxins from your body? If you have answered with yes to either one of these two questions, you should keep on reading. In the paragraphs below, you will be able to find some herbs that have genuine detoxifying properties.
These can be used for a complete body cleansing, allowing you to stay in the best possible health. And, remember, regular detoxification is more than necessary, as there many chronic conditions which appear as a result of excess toxin accumulation within the body.
1. Dandelion
When it comes to herbs that can be used to detoxify the body, dandelions stand at the top of the list.
The biggest advantage is that you can use not only the flowers but also the leaves and the roots for health purposes (detoxification). Once you have discovered the health benefits of drinking water, you can go ahead and check out the ones offered by dandelion tea.
Dandelion tea is highly efficient when it comes to eliminating toxins from inside the body, having diuretic properties at the same time.
The beneficial properties of dandelion have been confirmed by numerous studies, including one that was published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
2. Red clover
If you are looking for an herb to eliminate toxins accumulated in the blood, red clover is a perfect choice.
The flowers are particularly beneficial for one’s health, being able to purify the blood and detoxify the body. The same beneficial properties are seen at the level of the lymphatic system, with red clover promoting the breakdown of toxins.
Red clover can also help with respiratory infections, as it has potential expectorant properties and with fatigue, acting as a tonic. A scientific article published by the Herbal Academy confirmed the many beneficial properties of red clover.
3. Stinging nettle
A detox diet plan should include herbs such as stinging nettle, as these can be useful when it comes to eliminating harmful toxins from the body.
This herb supports the proper functioning of the kidneys, stimulating the elimination of potentially-harmful toxins.
Steamed leaves can be added to any salad, representing the perfect choice for a detox diet. Or, if you want, you can prepare a delicious soup, using nettle as the main ingredient.
You might be surprised to discover that nettle is rich in vitamin C, which is well-known for its antioxidant properties. As an alternative, you can enjoy a cup of nettle tea, starting your detox process early in the morning.
There are numerous studies and literature reviews that have mentioned the beneficial properties of stinging nettles, such as the one published in Phytomedicine.
4. Burdock root
For anyone who is interested in detoxifying his/her body and getting rid of harmful toxins, burdock root is an excellent choice. It can help you enjoy a complete body cleanse, having a particularly beneficial effect at the level of the blood. Moreover, it is rich in vitamins and minerals, supporting the general health of the body.
It has also been discovered that burdock root can support the detoxification of the liver, so this is another benefit to consider. Given the fact that it is a strong herb, it should only be consumed with caution.
The medicinal qualities of burdock root have been presented by various scientific articles, including one published by the University of Maryland Medical Center.
5. Cilantro
Cilantro is an herb often used in the kitchen, as it has a unique taste to offer. However, it is also one of the best natural remedies for those who are looking to detoxify their bodies; it is useful especially when it comes to eliminating heavy chelate metals from the body, such as mercury.
It can be added to salads, soups or even smoothies, enhancing the flavor of every dish. Cilantro tinctures are also available, but these should only be taken after discussing such actions with a pharmacist (very strong).
If you are interested in a heavy metal detox process, you might want to consider visiting a doctor as well. Returning to cilantro, its beneficial properties have been presented by numerous studies and scientific articles, including one published in Natural Society.
These are some of the best herbs one can use to detoxify the body and guarantee a complete cleanse.
Each of these herbs has additional benefits to offer, including antioxidant activity, diuretic properties, and enhanced vitamin/mineral intake.
Make sure to follow the recommended instructions for each of these herbs; as you have seen, some are powerful, and they can have side-effects when taken in large quantities or for prolonged periods of time. For more remedies check on wife knows.
The detox for heavy metals is also a serious matter, one which is best discussed and agreed upon with a healthcare specialist.