5 Best Sitting Yoga Poses and Their Benefits

Reader Contribution by Sanjay Singh Panwar
Published on May 2, 2019
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Yoga is all about different types of poses or asanas that help us achieve holistic health. Some are standing postures, some are sitting, and some are lying asanas. Each and every yoga pose helps us to achieve the blessing of the body, mind and soul.

Sitting, standing, and lying poses all have their unique benefits for the human health and body. But seated poses are great for building inner strength and improving flexibility.

If you are new to the yoga mat, you should begin with a preset sequence of Hatha Yoga sitting poses. It is one of the traditional classic yoga forms that has given rise to many other forms or styles of yoga.

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Explore some of the best sitting yoga poses and their benefits.

1. Lotus Pose

Lotus pose, or in Sanskrit it is known as ‘Padmasana’. In ancient India, originating in meditative practices it is a cross-legged sitting asana or posture. In this sitting posture, the feet are placed on the opposite thighs.

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Especially for women, Lotus pose is an extremely powerful asana. It connects our mind, body and spirit, this is a wonderful example of a pose.

People who have their knee and ankle injuries should avoid the practice of the Lotus pose. There are two types of Lotus pose; one is Half Lotus Pose and another is Full Lotus Pose.

Padmasana, or Lotus Pose, benefits are:

  • The pelvis, abdomen, spine, and bladder are activated with the practice of Lotus Pose.
  • Lotus pose relaxes the mind and calms the brain.
  • This asana provides a good stretch on the knees and the ankles.
  • It helps to reduce muscular tensions.
  • Blood pressure gets under control with the practice of this pose.
  • The practice of this asana helps pregnant ladies making birthing easier.
  • It helps to ease menstrual discomfort and sciatica.
  • It helps awaken the chakras and also makes us more aware of the things around us.

2. Easy Pose

The Easy pose or the ‘Sukhasana’, a Sanskrit name of the pose is a great pose for beginners. It is a very simple and easy seated pose, as the name suggests.

Both beginners and advanced practitioners, often use this pose for meditation. Another name of this pose is Decent pose, Comfort pose or Pleasant pose.

Before the practice of Sukhasana, there are some caution points we must keep in mind. People should avoid this asana if they have hip or knee injuries or both, and experienced slipped disc problems.

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The benefits of Easy Pose, or Sukhasana, are:

  • For those who struggling with sitting for long periods, this is a recommended asana. This asana is an effective knee- and hip-opening pose.
  • The practice of this asana gradually makes us feel calm and peaceful.
  • Lengthens the back muscles and the spine.
  • Sukhasana makes our back stronger and steadier.
  • This asana provides a good stretch on our knees and ankles.
  • It has relaxing effects on the mind and the body.
  • It also eliminates anxiety and spreads positive calmness in the body.

3. Diamond Pose

Diamond pose in Sanskrit means ‘Vajrasana’. Vajrasana combines the two words Vajra & asana; Vajra means diamond and asana means pose or posture.

Diamond pose, or Vajrasana, should be practiced by those who are suffering from gas (acidity), obesity, indigestion, and constipation. The practice of this asana after a meal is very effective to improve digestion, cure acidity, burn extra fat on belly, thighs, hips and waist.

There are some points of caution to keep in mind before practicing this asana. This asana should not be practiced by those people who are having knee problems or joint pain.

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Some benefits of Vajrasana, or Diamond Pose, are:

  • Vajrasana improves the digestion system of our body and also cures acidity.
  • It helps improver circulation of the blood in the body.
  • Regular practice of Vajrasana aids in weight loss.
  • The practice of this asana also helps regulate the menstrual cycle, alleviate urinary problems, and relieve pain during periods.
  • It strengthens the thigh muscles and pelvic muscles.
  • It helps in reducing extra fat from belly, thigh, hips and waist.
  • This asana calms the mind and relaxes the nerves.

4. Sitting Half Spinal Twist Pose

In Sanskrit, Sitting Half Spinal Twist Pose is made of four words: Ardha (Half), Matsya (Fish), Endra (King) and asana (pose or posture). This sitting half spinal twist pose requires an intense flexible body to be performed.

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analya on freepik.com

In Hatha Yoga, Sitting Half Spinal Twist is used from one of the 12 basic asanas. When practiced this seated spinal twist asana is best in the morning on an empty stomach.

Sitting Half Spinal Twist should be avoided by pregnant women and during menstruation. People who are suffering from severe spinal problems should also avoid the practice of this asana.

Ardha Matsyendrasana, or Sitting Half Spinal Pose, benefits are:

  • This pose stretches the back muscles and the spine of the body. The elasticity of the spine is also increased with this pose.
  • The practice of this asana cures constipation and indigestion. It also relieves back problems and menstrual problems.
  • This asana is good for increasing the flexibility and function of vertebrae of the spine.
  • It is beneficial for the patient with a slipped disc.
  • This asana increases blood circulation to the pelvic region. It also improves the function of reproductive organs.
  • This pose opens the chest and increases the supply of the oxygen to the lungs.
  • It also burns fat from the abdomen.

5. Butterfly Pose

‘Baddha Konasana’ is the Sanskrit name of the Butterfly pose. It gives the appearance of a butterfly flapping its wings; therefore, it is also known as Butterfly Pose or Titli asana.

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analya on freepik.com

Butterfly pose is a well-known pose and is the best exercise for pregnant women. This helps her in the easy and smooth delivery of the child.

Those persons who have knee injuries should avoid this asana. Women during menstruating do not practice this asana.

Benefits of Butterfly pose, or Baddha konasana, are:

  • This asana is good for the inner thighs and knees. Flexibility in the genitals and hip region is also improved.
  • It helps in improving blood circulation all over the body.
  • It removes fatigue from long hours of walking and standing.
  • It stimulates the functioning of the ovaries and increases blood circulation to the reproductive system.
  • The practice of this asana helps in releasing shoulder and neck stress or tension naturally. It is also a nice stretch for relieving stress and tiredness.
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