Beauty Ingredient: Benefits of Turmeric Powder

Reader Contribution by Staff
Published on August 24, 2010
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Dawn is the owner of Seattle Hill Soap Company and formulates natural and safe soaps and skin care items that are enhanced by herbs, botanicals, or clays. You can find Seattle Hill Soap Company

I was recently asked if I stocked turmeric soap. Occasionally I use turmeric powder in my soaps for a swirl of umber color, but I was surprised that someone was actually looking for a soap that was loaded with the stuff. Upon further research, I happily discovered a new herbal soap that touts fascinating benefits.

Photo by Dawn Robnett

Turmeric is high in antioxidants that slow down cell damage and is traditionally used in India as an antiseptic. It’s widely used as a skin exfoliant and it’s said to improve your skin’s complexion, texture and health. In many Asian countries, it is used by women for skin care, particularly to discourage facial and body hair. It is also used to help with inflammatory skin conditions, such as acne, dry skin, psoriasis and eczema. What a powerful little spice!

A couple notes of caution when using turmeric: Avoid turmeric use during pregnancy; if using turmeric powder in soaps, be warned that it will stain fabrics when used in liberal amounts. 

Even More Turmeric

+ Cooking with Turmeric

+ Recipe: Turmeric Yogurt Soup

+ Make a Total Beauty Treatment with Turmeric

Make a Turmeric Facial Mask

The Health Benefits of Turmeric

Ancient Turmeric, Modern Uses

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