It’s not uncommon to see a lack of focus and concentration in children which may be caused simply by attention deficit disorder or ADHD. Research shows that ADHD affects around 4-5% of school-aged kids and if your child is one of them, it’s important to consult your doctor on available treatment that might include both the medication and various natural remedies.
Dealing with ADHD and lack of concentration
Photo by Lavi Perchik on Unsplash
Although the key characteristic of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder includes hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity, most sufferers, children and adults equally, report that the hardest symptom to handle is difficulty to focus and concentrate.
It’s particularly hard for students attending classes and taking important exams and adults attending meetings as they most often experience a strong urge to get up and do something else or their thought easily wander off.
Unfortunately, for many individuals, the classic treatments for inattentiveness in the form of stimulants are ineffective and while they may sometimes reduce symptoms, they often have a range of difficult side effects. Therefore, a more comprehensive approach that would include additional methods besides medication would probably prove more effective.
Natural ways
Whether you’re looking to enhance the prescription treatment or you want to take a more natural approach to treating your kid’s ADHD, natural remedies have been known to improve symptoms and sharpen the focus.
This usually requires a more comprehensive approach that includes buffering, diet changes, herbs and increased physical activity.
Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash
When a child needs to sit still and focus for a certain period of time, resorting to alternate activities can help in keeping them focused. These are commonly referred to as buffering and are defined as “intervention that mediates another effect”.
Simply put, this means that when a child faces a stressful situation, a countermeasure is introduced to help them relax, such as fidgeting, doodling, listening to music or some form of physical movement or exercise. They may not be ideal in every situation but they can be beneficial when possible.
For instance, in times of taking important exams in the US and Australia that are typically very stressful for all students, resorting to these measures during the exams wouldn’t be appropriate. They could be practised during the study and preparation period and in combination with WACE study notes from previous generations that offer an organised and comprehensive source of relevant information, students can feel much calmer and more confident in their own abilities.
Diet changes and kid-friendly herbs
Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash
Certain diet changes can contribute to better mental clarity in kids suffering from ADHD and by avoiding certain foods and increasing the intake of others, children can experience a visible change in symptoms.
In general, foods and additives to be avoided are caffeine, artificial sweeteners, sodium, HVP, yeast extract and sugar as they can all interfere with cognitive functions and emotions. On the other hand, protein-rich foods, complex carbs, omega-3 fats and vitamin and minerals play an important part in the healthy brain functions and can, in different ways, help manage ADHD symptoms.
Proteins are important for the brain neurotransmitters, complex carbs are digested as sugar that our body needs for energy but doesn’t cause a rapid spike of blood sugar, omega-3 fatty acids can help in increasing attention and improving focus and memory, and finally, vitamins and minerals, namely vitamins D, B and C and iron, zinc and magnesium, can improve sleep and relaxation and counterbalance impulsivity.
When it comes to natural remedies and herbs, the choice is wide but it’s a process of experimenting to see what works best for your kid without causing side effects. For instance, sage is known to improve cognition, turmeric is an antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory effects so it’s very beneficial for brain and overall health, gingko biloba can also improve the cognitive function by stimulating blood flow to the brain, ashwagandha and gotu kola can benefit the brain by reducing oxidative stress and lemon balm taken in tea form can reduce anxiety, improve cognitive function and sleep quality.
Essential Oils are Natural and Amazing
Photo by Sarah Gualtieri on Unsplash
Many people recommend the use of essential oils claiming their lives have drastically changed since using them. They mostly report improved sleep quality, feeling more relaxed and more motivated. These oils are typically used by dabbing them on the back of the neck or bottoms of feet but using essential oils in a diffuser around your home can also be very beneficial not just for your kids’ needs but for the entire family.
Lack of concentration and focus, especially in children with ADHD requires a holistic approach in treatment and using only herbal remedies may not suffice. It’s advisable you go through the process of trial and error until you find what works best, devise a plan and try different approaches. Along the way, you will discover a combination of medications, herbs, and patterns of routine that work for your child.