3 Yoga Poses for Strong Legs and Thighs

Reader Contribution by Bipin Baloni
Published on September 30, 2019
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Powerfully built legs are what everyone wants. Since legs are responsible for movement, the pair is of tremendous importance in one’s life. Most of one’s successes are based on the healthiness of the legs and thighs—from enjoying the beauty of this world to witnessing your success stories, a brawny pair of legs is quite significant. A number of people in the world believe in yoga for making their legs strong. In fact, there are numerous yoga asanas which can be extremely useful to strengthen the legs.

Here, we will discuss three yoga poses that are immensely fruitful in making the legs and thighs strong.

Photo by Vishal Bhutani on Unsplash

Navasana (Boat Pose)

One of the finest exercises for having a pair of well-built legs, Navasana is Sanskrit for Boat Pose. The practice is all about balancing the two halves of the body by balancing it from the hips. While indulging in the asana, the thigh and abdomen muscles undergo a good workout which in turn, enhances their strength. Boat Pose is considered a fine exercise to lose weight. Navasana is also given tremendous importance in various Yoga programs such as Yoga teacher training in Nepal, India, Thailand, etc., thanks to its all-round benefits.

How to Practice:

  • Navasana’s practice starts in Savasana — the state of complete rest on the mat.
  • Bring the feet together and make the body flexible.
  • Raise the upper body in the air, followed by the legs and thighs.
  • The elevation angle of the spine should be equal to that of the thighs.
  • Make sure the spine is elongated and the knees do not get bent during the process while the body is balanced on the sitting bones.
  • Extend the arms to bring them parallel to the ground, in line with the knees.
  • It is also very important to keep the chest opened.
  • You can take help from others if you are not able to balance the two halves on your own.

If one is suffering from asthma, heart problems, low blood pressure, etc., the practice is advised to be avoided. It should also not be practiced during menstruation. The stress-relieving asana is great for stretching the hamstrings. If you are a Badminton player or a footballer, give some serious time this asana for boosting the movement of your body. In addition to all the physical benefits, the pose is an awesome alleviating reproductive health problems. Also, if you are having digestive issues, this exercise will prove to be immensely fruitful.

Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

This one is quite an easy exercise when it comes to practice. Almost everybody can enjoy the asana’s beauty. And this is what makes Utkatasana an extremely popular Yoga pose among people of all age groups. The final position of the asana imitates a chair, for which it is also known as Chair Pose. Owing to its contribution to boosting the strength of the thighs and legs, this asana is very fruitful for athletes and sportspersons.

How to Practice:

  • The practice of Utkatasana begins in the standing position. Keep the whole body straight.
  • Make sure the feet are placed slightly apart from each other.
  • While bending the knees gently, push your pelvis down in such a way that looks like sitting in a chair.
  • It is better to keep the thighs parallel to the ground and let a right angle be created at the knees.
  • Stretch your arms in the air to bring them parallel to each other above your head. Instead, you can bring them parallel to the ground with palms facing the mat.
  • Make sure the elbows don’t get bent.
  • Keep the spine erect and elongated while trying to hold the body in the position.
  • Let the body relax and thighs muscles tone for about a minute.

At the end of the practice, it is very important to give your legs a much-needed rest. Sukhasana, Virasana, and Siddhasana are some of the most popular relaxing Yoga poses.

Since the whole weight of the body is placed on the thighs, the muscles get toned in an amazing fashion. It is advised that you should not force yourself to stay in the pose if you are not able to do so. In the beginning, you can practice 5-6 laps of 4-5 seconds each. You can increase the lap time as you become an expert.

Padangusthasana (Hand to Big Toe Pose)

Padangusthasana is an amazing exercise when it comes to strengthening the thighs and legs. It is a very impactful practice for the complete health of the body and mind. Traditionally, the asana is a major instigator of peace, since it leads to a good amount of blood flow in the mind. Also known as the hand to big toe pose, the Yoga pose is one of the most influential physical exercises. The best part about this asana is the fact that you can practice this anytime and anywhere. Making it an integral part of your life would ensure the fitness of your legs.

How to Practice:

  • Padangusthasana also begins in a standing position.
  • Bend the body down in the forward direction and bring the nose near the knees.
  • By making sure that the knees are not bent, plant the fingers below the soles in such a way that the palms face the soles.
  • Make sure the torso, thighs, and shoulders are in a comfortable position.
  • Come back to the original position and repeat the same practice a few more times.

The asana has various forms of practice. Instead of placing your palms below the soles, you can just hold the toes with your fingers. Many people station their palms on either side of the soles. One of its major variants is called Uttanasana. Give this pose at least 5-6 minutes in the morning as well as in the evening to get the maximum benefits. Along with bolstering the thighs, Padangusthasana is also beneficial in enriching the brain and all muscles with substantial blood. The asana nurtures the legs, shoulders, and hips with proper blood circulation throughout the body parts. Enjoy this pose for strong and better-functioning hamstrings.

Bipin Baloni is a yoga teacher from India, and his core specialization is in Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga. He organizes Ayurveda Courses in India specially in Kerala. He loves writing and reading books related to yoga, meditation, Ayurveda and health

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