Everyday Cleansing Recipes: Flushing Spring Salad

By Debbie Whittaker
Published on November 6, 2009
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Serves 6

All the herbs in this salad are mild diuretics. They also aid digestion, which in turn increases assimilation of nutrients. While sour foods cleanse the liver, many—especially those containing oxalic acid, including but not limited to sorrel, spinach, beet greens, and lemon—are not recommended for people with kidney problems, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, and bladder complaints.


• 1/4 cup arugula leaves
• 1/4 cup young chicory or radicchio leaves
• 1/4 cup young sorrel leaves
• 8 cups red leaf lettuce
• 1/4 cup young lovage stems, chopped into 1/4-inch pieces
• 1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped into
• 1/4-inch pieces
• 1/4 cup fresh, young tarragon tips, cut into
• 1-inch pieces

1. Wash and dry the lettuce and herbs. In a large salad bowl, coarsely tear the arugula, chicory or radicchio, sorrel, and lettuce. Add the­ ­lovage, parsley, and tarragon. Toss all ingredients ­together with the dressing and serve.


Make homemade salad dressing a habit; it can be one of the best ways to avoid and cleanse toxins. Most commercial salad dressings are loaded with salt and polyunsaturated oils that are often rancid, even though you may not taste the rancidity. This salad dressing aids digestion and provides lots of ­antioxidants.

Nori, the seaweed used for wrapping sushi, is a great salt alternative. The powdered granules contain only 8 mg of sodium per teaspoon. You can also powder your own: Crumble a sheet of nori, snip it into a coffee grinder, and process while shaking the grinder up and down.

• 1 tablespoon powdered nori
• 2 tablespoons hot water
• 2 teaspoons crushed mustard seed
• 1/8 teaspoon cayenne, more to taste
• 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
• 1 medium clove raw garlic, finely minced
• 1-1/2 teaspoons honey
• 4 tablespoons cold-pressed olive oil

1. Put the nori into a glass measuring cup and pour the water into it. Mix in the ­mustard and let it sit for 5 minutes. Stir in the remaining ingredients one at a time, whisking in the olive oil at a slow, steady pace.

Debbie Whittaker, a frequent contributor to Herbs for Health, demonstrates her healthy cooking style as the “Herb Gourmet” in ­Denver, Colorado.

Click here to view the original article, Everyday Cleansing Recipes.

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