Green Beans with Summer Savory
In this side dish, substitute winter savory if you’d rather or if it’s more convenient, but use a light hand. These beans are delicious with wine-braised chicken.
• 1/2 small onion, minced
• 1 tablespoon butter
• Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
• 1 tablespoon minced fresh summer savory, or 1 teaspoon dried
• 1 tablespoon flour
• 1 pound green beans, trimmed and cut in 2-inch lengths
• Water
1. In a saucepan over medium heat, sauté the onion in the butter until soft but not brown. 2. Add the salt, pepper, savory, and flour, and cook, stirring for 2 minutes. 3. In another pot, boil the beans in water to cover or steam them in a small amount of water until just tender. 4. Slowly stir 1/2 cup of the bean cooking water into the onion mixture and bring the mixture to a boil. Immediately add the cooked, drained beans. 5. Transfer to a bowl and serve.
Return to the original article, Cooking with Seasonal Savories.
Recipes from Cooking from the Garden, by Rosalind Creasy (Sierra Club Books, 1988). Used with permission of the author.