Sweet Potato Pie Smoothie Recipe

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Nuts and seeds add creaminess to a smoothie.
Nuts and seeds add creaminess to a smoothie.
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“Superfood Nuts” by Connie Diekman and Vicki Chelf is a vegan cookbook that puts the spotlight on various nuts and their benefits in the kitchen.
“Superfood Nuts” by Connie Diekman and Vicki Chelf is a vegan cookbook that puts the spotlight on various nuts and their benefits in the kitchen.
Makes about 2 cups SERVINGS


  • 1 cup vegan milk
  • 1 small to medium baked sweet potato
  • 1/4 cup pecans or walnuts
  • 1 tablespoon minced ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 3 cloves
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract


  • Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
  • Pour into one or two bowls, depending on how hungry you are. Top with a sprinkling of granola and some fresh fruit and enjoy immediately!

    More from: Superfood Nuts

    Curry-Spiced Pistachio Potato Cake Recipe
    Reprinted with permission from Superfood Nuts, by Connie Diekman and Vicki Chelf and published by Sterling Publishing, 2017.

Superfood Nuts (Sterling, 2017) by Connie Diekman and Vicki Chelf uses nutrient-rich nuts in every recipe to produce a vegan cookbook that shows chefs at home that being vegan can be just as fun and flavorful as any diet. The two authors give a rundown of each nut’s nutritional benefits before launching into their colorful cookbook. The following excerpt is their Sweet Tater Pie Smoothie Bowl recipe.

Ever have sweet potato pie? Here it is in a bowl, but without the bad fat and sugar! To make it into a smoothie to drink in a glass, just use a half rather than a whole sweet potato.

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