For Kurt Vonnegut, “the breakfast of champions” was a martini. For Robert Burns, it had to be oatmeal. According to Truman Capote, Marilyn Monroe knew how to eat it with gusto, while Audrey Hepburn did not. We are creatures of habit in the morning, but what all nutritional experts agree on is that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is also eaten when we are not at our most inspired and don’t have much time. Break out of a breakfast rut. Here are a few ideas from Leon: Naturally Fast Food by Henry Dimbleby and John Vincent, the owners of Leon, a healthy fast-food restaurant chain in England. All of these healthy, quick and easy breakfast ideas are easy to customize or change depending on what’s in season—or just in your kitchen.
Quick and Easy Breakfast Ideas
• Topped Rye Bread
• Oatmeal Toppings
• Omelet Recipes
Excerpted with permission from Leon: Naturally Fast Food by Henry Dimbleby and John Vincent, Conran Octopus 2012.