Homemade Chicken Stock Recipe

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Photo by Fotolia
Add extra flavor and nutrients to soups, stews and more with homemade stock.


  • 2 chicken carcasses
  • Dark green parts 1 medium leek, roughly chopped (prepped Saturday)
  • Roasted carrots from Roast Chicken and Vegetables
  • Trimmings from bell peppers, carrots, onions and parsley (prepped Saturday)
  • Few leaves carrot tops if available
  • Cloves from 1 head garlic
  • 4 ribs celery, roughly chopped, including leaves (prepped Saturday)
  • 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar or rice vinegar (helps extract minerals from bones)
  • 2 tablespoons peppercorns
  • 2 bay leaves
  • Several sprigs thyme, or 2 tablespoons dried thyme


  • If using a crockpot, add all ingredients plus enough cold water to cover everything and set it to cook on the lowest/slowest setting. If using a stockpot, add all ingredients plus water, bring to a simmer and allow to bubble away on low heat for several hours—the longer, the better.
  • Skim fat and impurities from the top of the pot every now and then while cooking. Pour everything through a strainer and discard solids. Refrigerate or freeze stock.Find more recipes and tips for successful meal planning in Cook Once, Eat All Week.

You will use many of the byproducts of recipes here to make this rich, nutritious stock, which then becomes the base of two soups later in the week. You’ll probably have some extra to freeze.

Homemade Chicken Stock Recipe

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