How Are You Caring For Your Herbs This Winter?

Reader Contribution by Gina Souders
Published on February 23, 2010
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<p>For many of us, the weather is not quite where we want it to be for gardening. So we want to know: How have you been caring for your herbs this winter? We asked our <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Facebook fans</a> how they are caring for their herbs as they patiently wait for the arrival of spring. Many of you, eager to dig into your spring garden, have learned that patience is a virtue and have been caring for your potted herbs indoors until the timing is right. Here are some of our Facebook fan’s answers:</p>
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<strong>Indoor favorites include potted bay, snow rose and coffee.<br />
Photo by Rob Cardillo</strong>
<p>”I’ve brought in rosemary, thyme, non-hardy lavender and lemon verbena.” <em>–Katherine Glaros Ryan</em>
<p>”I have a long list of herbs I treat as houseplants in the winter here in Zone 5. They include he shou wu, galangal, rosemary, turemeric, vanilla orchid, black pepper vine, <em>Cactus grandiflorus</em>, Vick’s plant, lemon verbena, costus, rock rose, scented geraniums, rootbeer plant, vetiver and many others.” <em>–Betty Pillsbury</em>
<p>”Rosemary fills half of my dining room. I can’t wait for spring. It takes over an hour to water everything!” <em>–Elissa Monroe</em>
<p>”Rosemary stays nice and green all year here in central New Mexico. I have basil, thyme, lemon balm and several other herbs in containers in my green house. I refuse to be without them in the winter!”<em> –Suzy Quintana</em>
<p>”Pulling weeds.”<em> –Virginia Lee Adi</em>
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<p>How are you caring for your herbs this winter? We want to hear from you! Drop us a comment below and don’t forget to become our <a href=”” target=”_blank”>fan on Facebook</a>.</p>
<p>Before you can get down and dirty in the garden, remember to check out our <a href=””>checklist</a> to be fully prepared for spring.  </p>

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