It’s never too early to start thinking about planting your garden for the spring. I know I am already thinking about spring and warm weather. Spring officially starts Sunday, March 20 and it’s important to know when it is the right time to purchase your flowers and begin the planting process. It’s important to keep plants in top condition and get them into the ground at the right time. If you are starting to buy plants for the upcoming spring make sure you know some tips to keep them healthy until winter is over.
Photo by meglet127/Courtesy Flickr
Tips for Gardeners:
• Plant flowers into soil once the ground has had a little time to warm up after the cold winter.
• Perennials can be planted quite early in the spring, especially if they have been housed outdoors at the nursery and have become accustom to the weather.
• There is no exclusive ‘plant by’ day to worry about, but planting earlier is usually better.
• If there is still frost and colder temperatures; and your plant comes out of a warm greenhouse and is blooming much earlier than expected it’s still too early to plant it outside. The plant has not become accustom to the weather.
• If it is too early to plant than hold your flowers in their containers in a sheltered spot outdoors. Make sure to protect them from the frost. Bring them into a garage or other protected place at night so they do not freeze.
• Remember to water your plants so the soil stays damp and do not try to keep them indoors.
Start from scratch with an herb garden: Begin brainstorming ideas now.