Cultivating Compost

Reader Contribution by Abby Olcese
Published on February 16, 2017
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1. Colorful Crockery

Compost in style with an earthenware countertop crock. Charcoal filters eliminate odors, and compostable liner bags mean you can drop contents straight into your outdoor pile

To Buy:  $40 (crock only),

2. Direct Service

Provide nutrition to your whole garden with ease with the Compost Chimney. Partially bury it in the ground, then simply add food scraps — no turning required.

To Buy:  $45,

3. Quick & Dirty

This indoor composter uses Bokashi, a natural compost starter, to speed the breakdown process. A strainer and spigot separate waste from liquid, creating compost and liquid fertilizer.

To Buy:  $55, 

4. Sort It Out

Get fine, lump-free compost with this steel-mesh sieve, which can also help shake out plant bulbs for storage or remove rocks from potting soil.

To Buy:  $20, (select “garden tools,” then “harvesting tools”)

5. Workin’ Worms

Let your whole family explore the science of vermiculture with this sleek and practical worm farm composter. Add up to a half-pound of scraps a day, and let the worms do the rest.

To Buy:  $139,

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