5 Tips for Exercising When You’re Too Busy

Reader Contribution by Marissa Coyle
Published on August 23, 2017
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As a new mom who works 8-5, I don’t have a ton of spare time. I am up for at least one to three hours in the middle of the night, depending on how long it takes my son to fall back asleep after his middle-of-the-night feeding. I wake up around 6:30 to get him ready to go to his grandma’s for the day and to get myself ready for work. By the time I’m home from work, I just want to rest. I’m extremely lucky to have a job that I love and that it isn’t physically-strenuous, but I’m definitely ready to heat up a microwave dinner, cuddle with my son, and play on my phone until we go to bed. As you can see, I’m not in the mood to go running or partake in exercise in general. However, I know that it’s important that I should. Here are some ways to work in some exercise if you can’t make it to the gym.

Photo by Pixabay/janerella.

1) Take a hike (or at least a walk around the block)

If your work allows you to take walking breaks, go for a stroll with some co-workers. Some of the ladies in the office go for walks around the vicinity when the weather is decent. I don’t always go (like if it’s a day that I’m wearing heels or I had an especially sleep-deprived night), but I enjoy the time to chat with my co-workers and get a bit of fresh air.

2) Chase your child/pet/etc.

While my son isn’t up-and-walking yet, I’m looking forward to chasing him around the playground because I don’t see this fun activity as exercise. For now, carrying him in my arms or wearing him on my chest allows me to work my upper body while getting things done.

3) Have an accountability partner

My wake-up call to eating better was when my mother’s Type II Diabetes got worse and she was put on a low-carb diet. Because I have PCOS, I’m more likely to develop Type II Diabetes if I don’t manage my lifestyle better. I will be starting a low-carb diet soon (hopefully by mid-September). I am asking my mom to keep me accountable for my diet and activity. Knowing that I will report my habits makes me think about the choices that I make.

4) Do no-equipment exercises

24/7 gyms are convenient, but not always available in your neck-of-the-woods. Keeping workout equipment in your home can allow you more flexibility, but isn’t always realistic if you live in an apartment or other tight spaces. Keeping a yoga mat rolled up in the corner, or doing simple push-ups or sit-ups allows you flexibility and space.

5) Get exercise equipment for your desk at work

I’m sitting at my desk for most of the work day because I specialize in media. After seeing some of my co-workers utilize standing desks or bouncing balls in lieu of traditional office chairs, I decided to look into getting something to put my legs to work while my fingers are on the keyboard.

I’m still learning how to implement exercise and healthier food choices into my daily life. While I’m still at the beginning of my transition to a healthier way of life, I hope that I can help encourage you. Nothing is impossible if we tackle it with a can-do attitude and the right resources!

Marissa is a Digital Content Assistant for Ogden Publications, a freelance digital marketing consultant, and a new mother. In her free time, she enjoys snuggling her son, learning to sew, and spending copious amounts of time on Pinterest.

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