In celebration of her 25 years in practice, Master Herbalist Andrea Candee, author of Gentle Healing for Baby and Child (Simon & Schuster) created a video of one of her favorite workshops to help you take charge of your family’s wellness naturally. Great-grandmother was wiser than we thought. She was self-reliant, knew how to make use of what was around her and so can you!
• Make the health food store your alternative to the pharmacy with safe, non-toxic remedies.
• Easily understood information to help adults and children get well and stay well. What to do for colds/flu, headaches, insect bites, injuries, inflammation, intestinal issues, and much more.
• Find out how versatile produce can be…onion for sprains and coughs, banana for splinters, garlic for infection, cayenne peppers for first-aid, ginger for nausea, lemon for mucus…and lots more.
• Learn how to develop your Personal First Aid Kit and stock your Herbal Medicine Cabinet.
• Learn how to make poultices, medicinal teas, herbal rubs, compresses and packs, cough syrup with step-by-step guidance for preparation and use.
• Empower your family by engaging them in their wellness and they will have tools for life.
Running time: 78 minutes
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