Dandelion Tummy Bitters Recipe

By Mountain Rose Herbs
Published on October 8, 2015
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Photo by Fotolia/Comugnero Silvana
Dandelion bitters help with digestion by curbing bloat and relieving excess acid in the stomach.

This bitter-aromatic formula is perfect to have on hand during that next big feast. In addition to dandelion’s bitterness, the aromatics from fennel, ginger and orange help curb post-dessert bloat and can help relieve excess acid in the stomach, too.

Dandelion Tummy Bitters Recipe

• 2 parts dandelion root
• 1 part fennel seed
• 1⁄2 part ginger root
• 1⁄2 part orange peel
• 100-proof vodka

1. If tincturing fresh herbs, first clean them, then finely chop or grind them. Fill 1⁄2 of a clean Mason jar with the mixture. If tincturing dried herbs, only fill 1⁄3 of the jar, as dried roots will expand.

2. Cover herbs with 100-proof vodka, filling to the very top of the jar. Be sure your herb mixture is completely covered.

3. Allow mixture to extract for 6 to 8 weeks, shaking often. Strain herbs with cheesecloth and squeeze any remaining liquid back into the extract. Bottle liquid in amber dropper bottles and label with the name, date and parts used.

Discover some the best natural remedies for wintertime health in The Best Herbal Remedies for Winter.

Recipe excerpted with permission from the Mountain Rose Blog by Mountain Rose Herbs.

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