Top 5 Herbs that you Can Use for Flawless Skin

By Staff
Updated on July 25, 2017
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Proper skin care is an important subject for a lot of women, especially once they have reached a certain age. They are looking to maintain the healthy, youthful-appearance of the skin, keeping wrinkles and other signs of aging at a safe distance. If you are interested in enjoying a glowing, imperfection free complexion as well, you should keep on reading this article. In the paragraphs that follow, you will be able to discover the top five herbs that you can use for flawless skin. As you will see for yourself, these herbs have many beneficial properties to offer, helping you to prevent the premature skin aging.

#1 Turmeric

Turmeric has been named the golden spice, given the wealth of beneficial properties that it has to offer. As it shown in a book written on the subject of herbal medicine, turmeric has been used since the ancient of times, including for its cosmetic properties. The chapter dedicated to turmeric also includes studies which confirm the beneficial effect of this spice; whether consumed as such or applied at the level of the skin, turmeric can help you maintain the youthful appearance for as long as it is possible.

How can turmeric be used to improve the appearance of the skin? Well, you can easily prepare a facial mask by mixing turmeric powder with other natural ingredients, such as yogurt, milk, raw honey, lemon juice and so on. Turmeric can also protect against the damage done by UV rays, is often used as an ingredient in sunscreen lotions.

#2 Liquorice

You might not expect liquorice to be an herb recommended for beautiful skin, but the truth is that it has a lot of beneficial properties. According to a study published in the International Journal of Herbal Medicine, liquorice can brighten the skin and reduce any existent inflammation (anti-inflammatory properties). Moreover, it has powerful anti-microbial properties, being able to keep infections at a safe distance. This is indeed one of the best herbs for good skin, especially if you are interested in skin brightening.

If you are interested in lightening your skin, you can easily prepare a facial mask, using liquorice and turmeric powder. As an alternative to the liquorice root, you can use tea. Otherwise, mix the two powders with water. Apply the resulting mixture at the level of the skin and allow it to become dry. When done, rinse it off with lukewarm water. Keep in mind that liquorice can also make blemishes and dark spots less visible, as well as stimulate the faster healing of the skin (in a case of conditions such as psoriasis, eczema or rashes).

#3 Saffron

Saffron is not only an interesting addition to baked goods but an herb with numerous benefits to offer for the health of the skin. Used since the ancient of times, saffron has powerful antioxidant properties, and it can protect against the damage done by UV rays (prevents the premature aging of the skin). According to a study published in the Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, saffron is well-known for its antioxidant activity and its ability to protect the skin against damage, including melanoma.

When it comes to topical applications, you can mix the saffron powder with water and apply the resulting mixture at the level of the skin. This can restore the healthy glow of the skin, making blemishes and other signs of hyperpigmentation less visible. As an alternative, you can massage your skin with saffron oil.

#4 Chamomile

Chamomile is one of the most popular herbal teas out there, being well-recognized for its calming effects. As an herb, chamomile has a wealth of other benefits to offer, many of which target the health of the skin. According to a study published in Molecular Medicine, chamomile is rich in flavonoids, which are well-known for their antioxidant activity. Applied at the level of the skin, chamomile can protect against the damage done by harmful UV rays and prevent the premature aging process.

Topical applications with chamomile can make acne scars, blemishes and other forms of hyperpigmentation less visible. Chamomile tea has natural skin brightening properties, being able to restore the healthy glow. It can be blended with milk and used as a gentle exfoliator, or applied as such, in the case of sunburns. Chamomile tea bags can be placed under the eyes, to reduce general puffiness and get rid of dark circles.

#5 Red clover

Red clover is, without any doubt, one of the most effective herbs that you can turn to, to improve the overall appearance of the skin. Its beneficial effects have been confirmed by numerous studies, including one that was published in Obstetrics and Gynecology International. The study confirmed that red clover could be used to prevent or delay the premature aging of the skin in post-menopausal women. This is because red clover is rich in isoflavones, which are potent antioxidants (capable of working against the damage done by harmful UV rays).

This herb can help you deal with the loss of moisture, collagen reduction, and skin roughness. It makes common signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, less visible, restoring its healthy glow. Applied topically, it can stimulate the faster healing of the skin. It has also been recommended to those who suffer from different skin conditions, such as psoriasis or eczema.

Final word

Herbal remedies represent excellent weapons against the premature aging of the skin, helping women maintain their youthful appearance for as long as it is possible. As you have seen, each of the presented herbs has a wide range of beneficial properties to offer, especially as topical applications. If you want to improve the appearance of your skin and restore its healthy glow, you should give these herbs a try as well. You will then be able to see which one is the most effective for your case. And, remember, herbal remedies do not present risks of side-effects, which is something quite important to consider.


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