Scented Essentials: Gentleman Farmer Soap

By Sandy Maine
Published on October 15, 2008

The cornmeal in this soap gives it a rough texture, perfect for scrubbing. Follow the general instructions for making the soap mixture, then blend 2 cups of the soap mixture with the cornmeal and whip it with a wire whisk to remove lumps. Return this mixture to the soap kettle and stir in the essential oils before pouring the soap into the mold.

•  12 ounces lye
•  32 ounces water
•  24 ounces coconut oil
•  38 ounces vegetable shortening
•  24 ounces olive oil
•  4 ounces ground cornmeal
•  3 ounces lemongrass oil
•  1 ounce cedarwood oil

Click here to learn how to make soap.

For the main article, Scented Essentials,click here.

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