This moisturizer rejuvenates skin cells and soothes and heals damaged skin. MAKES ABOUT 1/2 CUP (ENOUGH FOR ABOUT 30 APPLICATIONS)
• 1/4 cup olive oil
• 2 tablespoons jojoba oil
• 1 heaping tablespoon dried elder blossoms
• 1 heaping tablespoon dried, crushed comfrey leaf
• 1 teaspoon grated beeswax
1. Place olive oil and jojoba oil in a glass jar. Heat on high in microwave for 45 seconds. Add herbs to warmed oil and cap the jar. Shake. Allow mixture to infuse in a warm, dark place for 2 to 3 days. Shake often.
2. Strain oil through a wire mesh strainer and discard the herbs. Add beeswax to infused olive and jojoba oil in the glass jar. Stand the jar in a small pan of hot water. Stir until melted and well blended. Store in an airtight decorative jar for daily use for up to 6 months.
Marguerite King is a medicinal herbalist specializing in herbal skin care. She owns and operates The Herb Patch Nursery and Soapworks in Pocatello, Idaho.
Click here for the main article, 5 Herbal Facials.