This rich moisturizer is great for extra-dry skin or classic rough skin spots, such as feet, knees and elbows. Also, this recipe can be used as the ultimate massage balm. Warm up a small amount between your palms and treat a loved one to a decadent and relaxing massage for chocolate lovers. MAKES 4 OUNCES.
• 1/4 cup grated cocoa butter
• 1 tablespoon grated dark chocolate
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 1 tablespoon sesame oil
• 1 tablespoon grated beeswax
1. Place all ingredients in a microwave-safe container or on the stovetop in a double boiler. Melt gently, stirring often.
2. Pour the hot liquid into a clean container. For small individual bars, pour into an ice cube tray and let cool completely.
3. Massage into clean skin.
Janice Cox is the author of Natural Beauty at Home, Natural Beauty for All Seasons and Natural Beauty from the Garden, all published by Henry Holt and Company (New York). For more recipes and ideas, visit her
For more cocoa-based recipes from Body & Soul: Chocolate Spa Treatments, click here.