Stressed? Try Tea Tree Soap

Reader Contribution by Staff
Published on August 11, 2008
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It’s been a stressful couple of weeks, readers. I moved out of my apartment of two years (no tears, though), was homeless for a few days (I stayed with friends, it was fine) and then moved into a new, roommate-free apartment last week.

Now that I’m settled (finally!), it’s apparent that my skin isn’t. The move wreaked havoc on my day-to-day cleansing routines, and I’m sure the mass apartment cleaning (using combinations of eco- and not-so-eco products…more on this next time) contributed to my irritated skin.

To help bring me back down from high-stress (and high-sweat) I started using The Soap Kitchen Tea Tree Wake Up this weekend. It’s an olive oil-based soap with palm, coconut and tea tree oils that soothe irritated, inflamed skin. It has an invigorating tea tree aroma that is a good morning pick-me-up and great evening skin treat (tea tree is so good for oily skin!).

For a $7 soap, be sure to set it on a slatted soap holder so the excess water can drain, wasting less product (wise advice from my time working at a local soap store).

What do you do when your skin acts up? Any go-to treatments? How do you deal with living out of a suitcase for a few days?

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