Rose Geranium Dusting Powder
Body powders are a very inexpensive, yet luxurious way to wear a light fragrance. They are made up of just a few ingredients found in most grocery or health-food stores. A 50-50 ratio of rice flour to cornstarch produces a silky powder that does not cake up. The optional addition of arrowroot provides an extra softness to the mixture. Body powder can be stored in a shaker jar, canister, or a small box with a powder puff.
This recipe calls for fresh leaves of rose-scented geranium (Pelargonium spp.). If you do not have any scented pelargonium leaves, you may substitute the fresh petals of two very fragrant roses. For a minty refreshing powder, try substituting leaves of a peppermint-scented pelargonium (such as P. tomentosum or ‘Peppermint Lace’) and peppermint essential oil for the rose scents. Mints are cooling to wear on hot summer days.
• 4 fresh rose-scented pelargonium leaves
• 1/2 cup white rice flour
• 1/2 cup cornstarch
• 1/4 cup arrowroot powder (optional)
• 15 drops rose geranium oil
• 1 shaker jar or powder puff container
1. Use a paper towel to pat pelargonium leaves completely dry.
2. Tear leaves into 1-inch pieces.
3. Combine all ingredients in a glass jar.
4. Cover and shake well. Set aside for one week. Sift out the geranium leaves and spoon powder into a glass shaker jar or other container.
5. Keep container closed between uses to preserve fragrance.
6. Keep for up to six months.
Click here for the main article, Capture Plant Essences From the Garden For Long-Lasting Enjoyment.
Theresa Loe tends an herbal cottage garden in southern California with her husband and two young children. She is the author of The Herbal Home Companion (Kensington Publishing, 1996)