8 Benefits of Cannabis Oil

Reader Contribution by Marissa Coyle
Published on November 7, 2017
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Photo by Marissa Coyle

Anyone who knows me knows that I’ve never smoked or have taken illegal drugs. I know several people who do use recreational intoxicants, and have made my distaste for anything related to cannabis well known.

So, it was a huge surprise to my husband when he opened the box of free body oils that Eden’s Garden recently sent me to review and found a bottle of Yuza Cannabis body oil that contains essential oils. Why would someone like me even consider using this oil? Well, the benefits of the oil intrigued me. I linked to several sources below. Because the topic of cannabis-related products is so controversial, it’s difficult to find credible sources. Feel free to comment in the box under this post if you have any corrections for me!

Benefits of Cannabis Essential Oil

Can help fade the appearance of scars and shed dead skin
Promotes good sleep
Acts as a pain reliever.
Has antioxidant properties.
May protect the skin against eczema and psoriasis.
Can relieve headaches.
May treat PTSD
The oil is not an intoxicant (and is legal in the U.S.). It does not contain any CBD or THC.


As a common disclaimer for using any herbal remedy, I suggest that you talk to your care provider before using Cannabis oil. I particularly advise that you discuss this oil with a doctor before using on children, or pregnant or nursing women.

Review of Eden’s Garden Yuza Cannabis Oil

I hate the smell of cannabis when I’m around people who smoke it recreationally. However, the oil that I received smelled citrusy (thanks to the yuza) and not how I expected. Honestly, the patchouli-coconut-oil-salve that I use on my pores smells more “hippie-ish” than this body oil. I apply a little to my acne scars, and have seen some fading in those scars. Although I make my own salves with coconut oil and essential oils, I appreciate that I don’t have to mix this oil with a carrier oil for topical use. This means that I can directly apply the oil to my skin without first diluting it. I tend to use this particular body oil on acne scars on my face shortly before going to bed. It’s quick to apply (I use it after applying rose hydrosol to my face as a toner). The only issue that I have with this body oil is that it pours from the bottle too quickly. A little goes a long way, as with most oils. I suggest transferring the oil to another glass bottle or adding a roller ball to the orifice. Currently, this product is only offered from Eden’s Garden in their “Create Your Own” set of body oils. Their four-ounce bottles of body oils come with a little “pump”, so finding a soap or serum pump that fits the bottle may be another way to not waste product.

While I’m not about to change my stance on recreational drug use, I do appreciate other uses for cannabis plants and recognize that there is a difference between intoxicating and non-intoxicating products of the plant.

Marissa Coyle is a mother, blogger, and digital content assistant. You can follow her blog Transitioning to the Good Life, where she chronicles her adventures in learning how to live healthier, cleaner, and happier.

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