Mountain Rose Herbs's Rootstalk Festival Helps Endangered Wolves

Reader Contribution by Justine Patton
Published on October 26, 2011
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Mountain Rose Herbs, a company that prides itself on unrelenting dedication to organic agriculture and environmentally friendly business practices, hosted its first ever Rootstalk Festival last month in Oregon and helped a few furry friends along the way.

Participants of the three-day benefit festival could enjoy classes on sustainable living, wilderness skills, urban farming and herbal medicine as well. Attendees could also listen to live music, attend a masquerade ball, tell fireside stories, indulge at the organic food court and attend a vending bazaar full of homemade goods to choose from.

At the end of the festival, Mountain Rose Herbs presented a donation to Cascadia Wildlands, an organization dedicated to preservation endangered species from Oregon to Alaska. The donation came just in time for a pack of wolves in Oregon. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced in the middle of last month that two wolves from the Imnaha wolf pack, which currently consists of four wolves, in Wallowa County would be killed. The public was frustrated and angry, because a few members of the pack were responsible for killing livestock around the area. However, Cascadia Wildlands stepped in to try to save the endangered animals.

One of the endangered members of the Imnaha wolf pack lounges on a log.
Photo courtesy Cascadia Wildlands

Cascadia Wildlands is using the donation from the festival for the lawsuit to stop the State of Oregon from killing the wolves. Cascadia Wildlands’s Kate Ritley said in a press release that because of Mountain Rose Herb’s generosity, they would now be able to pay all of their legal expenses and hopefully help these endangered wolves survive and prosper. Since then, court order has forced the State of Oregon to halt its hunt for the two wolves until further notice.

If you missed the Rootstalk Festival, don’t despair. The next one is scheduled for August 29 through September 2, 2013.  

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