5 Ways to Be Happier at Home

By Mother Earth Living Staff
Published on December 7, 2012
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Photo By iStockphoto
Improve your happiness at home with these five tips.

The author of New York Times best sellers The Happiness Project and Happier At Home, Gretchen Rubin test-drives studies and theories about how to be happier, and writes about her experiences in her books and on her website, happiness-project.com. Here are five of her tips for being happier in your daily life. To buy her books, check out the Mother Earth Living store.

1. Get enough sleep. Gain energy and feel calm by going to bed early enough for a full night’s sleep (seven to nine hours for adults). Start with your wake-up time and count backward to find your bedtime. It seems simple, but this exercise can help us honor our bedtimes.

2. Embrace good smells. “No cost, no calories, no energy, no time—a quick hit of pleasure,” Rubin says.

3. Accept yourself, and expect more from yourself. Don’t waste time wishing you were different. You are who you are! But do work on being the best “you” possible.

4. Give warm greetings and farewells. “I was surprised by how much this resolution changed the atmosphere of my home,” Rubin says.

5. Remember this truth: The only person you can change is yourself. Avoid power struggles at home by realizing you can work on your own outlook, but you cannot change others.

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