Jump Rope with Kids

Reader Contribution by Faith Moser
Published on May 31, 2011
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Faith Moser is the creator of eco ike {organic baby t’s + cookbooks full of yummy, healthy and quick recipes for kids and grown-ups}! If you want your kids to grow, live, eat & play green, visit ecoike.com.  

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The playground classic of jumping rope seems to have disappeared, and I am declaring that it’s time for a comeback! Every child needs to know the joys of jumping rope! It’s a wonderful addition to their physical activities and it does the little body a lot of good. Jump roping helps a child develop balance, coordination and dexterity. In addition, it helps them build muscles and provides a high impact, cardiovascular workout that tones the upper and lower body. 

Jump ropes cost less than $10 and can be used almost anywhere. It’s a wonderful addition to add into the play repertoire. Grab a rope, turn on some music (or sing your own) and jump up and get down!

Learn the ropes!  Some tips for jump roping:

Wear the correct shoe. Wear properly fitted athletic shoes with laces tied.

Get limber. Jump or run in place to warm up.

Slightly bend the knees, keep shoulders straight, feet slightly apart and look forward.

Use wrists when moving the rope overhead towards the feet.

Sing to a song or nursery rhyme–it’s fun and it helps keep the rhythm going while jumping.

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