The hydroponics system really exploded over the past week. It’s quite amazing how fast everything grows—speed and efficiency are indeed among the biggest benefits of hydroponics growing, and it’s shocking to see these plants just explode every week! I continue to add nutrients to the water every week, and every Monday I’m amazed at the growth the plants make over the weekend.
Here’s the garden on week 2. Note how much it’s grown since the pics of week 1! (You might also notice that my husband’s office wall was painted in the interim… we didn’t move the system!) The water looks murky because of the nutrients you add.
Doing this experiment made me interested in learning more about the differences between hydroponic gardening and conventional gardening, so I started looking into it. From what I’ve researched, here are some key differences I’ve found.
This infographic shares some pros and cons of hydroponics.
Among the pros: Hydroponics uses as little as 1/10th the water as conventional farming; the average yield of hydroponic tomato gardening is 18 times more per acre than conventional; and hydroponics require zero chemical fertilizers and encounter zero pest problems. Hydroponic growing is also not dependent on the seasons—I can assure you that, although our office grows a community garden each year—I’m the only one who was eating fresh greens in February.
Among the cons: Hydroponics systems cost more to set up than a conventional garden; they are reliant on nutrients added to the system weekly; they often require specialty fertilizers; and they require more attention and care than conventional gardens. I have heard that, instead of the nutrients you have to buy, one can use worm castings for the nutrients, which could save money in the maintenance costs of a hydroponics system.
In this SF Gate article on the pros and cons of hydroponics, similar issues are discussed: Hydroponics is incredibly efficient, using only what the plants absolutely need to grow and thrive. Hydroponics minimizes water waste and completely eliminates the need for pesticides or herbicides—potentially very good for commercial operations.
I also found this article discussing the pros and cons—written by a master gardener—interesting. She added the point that hydroponics systems are reliant on electricity, so that’s a con.
Often it seems people are looking at hydroponics and—fairly or not—criticizing the growing method as inferior to regular gardening in the ground. However, I see hydroponics as more useful for people who don’t have the option: Urban dwellers who want to grow their own food but have no access to land (or, for herbs and greens that are best harvested and eaten daily, want something at home instead of or in addition to a remote community garden plot), or those who live where the growing season is very short. It might also be good for those without arable soil or highly polluted soil.
I’ve heard some questions about the nutrient levels in hydroponics, and found people online claiming both that hydroponics are more and less nutritious. There is also some controversy surrounding organics and hydroponics. I’ll discuss all of that in the next blog on hydroponic growing!