Hello! It’s great to see you here at our new meeting place. It’s always nice to find like-minded people. I bet you’re a plant-lover too. Did you see the story on oregano in the last issue? I loved that story! And the one on moles (sauces, not rodents) had some amazing recipes.
Let me introduce myself! I’m Marci O’Brien, art director for The Herb Companion. I met Herby back in 2000. For the last 4 years, I’ve been a telecommuter from my home in Colorado, and working with some far-flung editors means I work in four time zones. How many hardiness zones would that be?
My gardening background started when I was born into an Ohio farm family. I grew up exploring the farms and kitchen gardens of my extended family in Indiana and Michigan. I’ll tell you more about those places in future posts.
I’ve always had a garden of some sort, although some have been sad little neglected things. This year I have some herbs going in a rock garden at the top of my yard, most of which have hung on under a few inches of snow this winter. My new passion for plants is in introducing them to my daughter. She’s 3 right now and she loves to touch a leaf then smell its scent on her little fingers. “Smell, Mama. So nice!” She knows she can only taste the ones Mama says are safe. All winter long, she has gone on walks with her dad and brought me back a few leaves of lemon sage, so proud of her tasty gift.
My husband and I love to cook, too. So I’ll be posting some recipes here for you to try. I would love it if you would share your favorites with me, too.
Spring is almost here! Let’s enjoy it together this year.