Green Nutrition

Reader Contribution by Mother Earth Living Staff
Published on August 1, 2016
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Chard: Chard leaves contain at least 13 polyphenol antioxidants, notably kaempferol, a cardioprotective flavonoid; syringic acid, an effective blood-sugar regulator; and betalains, anti-inflammatories and detoxifiers.


Collards: Collards are among the greatest cholesterol-lowering plants and also offer unique cancer-protective benefits.


Endive: Endive is an excellent source of vitamin A, beneficial to the eyes and a cancer fighter; vitamin K, important for balanced blood coagulation; and B vitamins, including folate, thiamin and niacin. It’s also a good source of manganese, which assists in regulating blood sugar, metabolizing carbohydrates, and optimizing nerve and brain function.


Kale: Renowned as one of the world’s healthiest foods, kale offers cholesterol-lowering benefits when steamed. It lowers risk of five kinds of cancer, including bladder, breast, colon, ovarian and prostate. It also reduces inflammation and is a comprehensive detoxification supporter.


Lettuce: Green-leaf lettuce is the best lettuce source of vitamin K; Romaine is the best lettuce source of vitamin A. All lettuce is low in calories and offers fiber, as well as 2 to 11 percent of essential vitamins and minerals in just 1⁄2 cup.


Mustard: Like kale, mustard greens can help lower cholesterol, especially when steamed. This cruciferous vegetable offers two special glucosinolates, both of which offer well-documented cancer-preventive and anti-inflammatory properties.


Spinach: Spinach is an excellent source of vitamins K and A, manganese, folate, iron, copper and B vitamins. A cup of cooked spinach offers about a quarter of the RDA of vitamin C and potassium, and 11 percent of our daily protein requirement. Studies show it may also protect the lining of the digestive tract from damage.

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