In our fast-paced and always on-the-go society, stress is inevitable and a major health concern throughout the United States. Stress has been linked to cardiovascular disease, cancer, psychological illnesses, digestive problems and various infections. Getting rid of all the stress in your life may not be possible. It’s up to each person to find a way to deal with stress and its consequences. However, herbs such as passionflower, valerian and lemon balm, may be a helpful stress-reliever.
1. Passionflower is an effective stress- and anxiety-reliever. Many believe it is comparable to the drug oxazepam. According to research published in 2008 from “Anesthesia & Analgesia,” patients that were going into surgery found the anxiety of that surgery less stressful in about 20 minutes after taking only one dose of passionflower.
Passionflower can help you relax and relieve stress.
Photo by Adhoc Alley/Courtesy of Flickr
2. Valerian has been used for centuries to calm and soothe individuals. It’s known for relieving anxiety and improving sleep and is approved by the German Commission E, which is a governmental organization that evaluates alternative medicines based on use and study.
3. Lemon balm treats nervousness and insomnia. If you combine lemon balm and valerian it could help relieve stress.
PDR for Herbal Medicines recommends a dose of 1.5 grams 4.5 grams of whole herb. But make sure to talk with a health-care professional before to learn more information.