Sometimes people just don’t have time to wash hands as often as they need to. That’s where an herbal hand sanitizer will come in handy. A contributor from came up with a fast and easy way to make your own natural hand sanitizer.
You will need:
• 1 cup aloe vera
• 1 teaspoon rubbing alcohol
• 2 teaspoons vegetable glycerin
• About 10 drops of your favorite essential oil (I suggest tea tree oil for its astringent properties.)
1. In a large bowl, mix the aloe vera, rubbing alcohol and vegetable glycerin thoroughly.
2. Add your essential oils and mix thoroughly.
Presto! You have your very own homemade hand sanitizer. I told you it was easy! Here are a few tips for maximum germ-fighting sanitizer:
• Before selecting your essential oils, think about which oils will help provide agents to assist the rubbing alcohol with sanitizing. Peppermint and tea tree oil are the best oils for killing germs.
• There is no need to drench your hands with your herbal hand sanitizer. A small amount will go a long way. Plus, because all of the ingredients are natural, the liquid won’t dry out your hands!
What is your favorite essential oil to use in your herbal hand sanitizer? Do you prefer using hand sanitizer over washing your hands?
Photo by enggul/Courtesy Flickr