Mother Earth Living‘s Guide to Growing Your Own Food
Eat better and save money with homegrown food—no matter how much space you have.
Sowing Seeds: A Guide to Starting and Planting Seeds
Planting seeds is simple, but knowing when to plant them requires a bit more thought.
When the Going Gets Tough, Grow Your Own Food
Everyone’s talking about the health and culinary benefits of growing your own food. This Maine family proves its economic value.
Beautiful Enough to Eat: Edible Landscaping
If the sun shines on your outdoor space—whether a tiny balcony or a large yard—you can have an edible landscape.
Container Gardening: Food Forest in a Barrel
Use container gardening to grow food for yourself or wildlife habitat.
Square Foot Gardening: Grow More in Less Space
Square Foot Gardening is an easy-to-plan way to grow gobs of produce in one-fifth the space of a typical garden.
Vertical Gardening: The Benefits of Growing Up!
Tired of gardening in long, horizontal beds? Vertical gardening offers many advantages over horizontal growing.
A Kitchen Garden: Grow an Indoor Herb Garden
Fresh herbs on the kitchen windowsill will reward you with flavor, fragrance and foliage. Learn how you can grow your own kitchen herb garden and discover which herbs will work best for your kitchen.
Make plans to grow your own tomatoes, onions, peppers and cilantro.
Mushrooms Made Easy: Growing Your Own Mushrooms
Whether through a mushroom-growing kit or in the garden, growing mushrooms is easy and rewarding.
Image credits (clockwise): Photo By Roger Doiron; Photo By Marju Randmer/Courtesy Flickr; Photo By Jen Maiser/Courtesy Flickr.