What to Donate:
Aid Herbal Medics and Herbalists Assisting With Natural Disasters
Many of you right now would like to know how to support the herbal medic teams and herbal people on the ground providing care for those devastated by recent natural disasters. As Herbalists Without Borders (HWB) Community Apothecary Project Coordinator and Kansas Chapter Coordinator, I am working to coordinate and promote aid to those on the ground clinic teams.
I will be collecting supplies in my own area and getting those to Texas through my herbal friend and Oklahoma HWB Coordinator Jenny Mansell. I will also be sending product from my own supplies to aid relief in Montana. These disasters are heartbreaking for all of us, the people impacted, the land, the plants, and animals. I am asking you to please do a part–whatever you can do, no matter how small to support these efforts. Know that all materials go 100% to support free clinics and care in impacted areas.
A big thank you to all the on the ground medic teams and be safe and remember to take care of yourselves as well.
Sam Coffman, Maria C. Turvin, Succhi Suchil Coffman-Guerra and the herbal medic teams (which were in Standing Rock) mobilized in Texas this week at numerous locations. A good number of flood refugees are also coming into San Antonio, so the medics will have ongoing clinics there as well. In Montana and Oregon and Wyoming, wildfires and smoke have been raging over a month. The news media is not focusing on the wildfires. It’s being reported that all the fires in Montana have burned a combined 1,000,000 acres. Yosemite and Glacier National Parks have been burning.
Indigo Cantor of Montana Pharmacy and Elaine Sheff of Green Path Herb School have issued a call for help with supplies and any herbalists, medics, nurses etc. for ground assistance. Right now the focus is on the northwest corner of Montana, as a largely Amish community has lost over 11 homes and people are in shelters etc. There are also two major fires south The Lolo and Seeley fires. If anyone is close to those areas, Indigo would like to coordinate and be aware of efforts taken, and she has some supplies but needs more. It’s not just the folks directly affected it is also the fire crews ( when they will let us) and the residents in these areas who are suffering from severe smoke, stress, and discomfort.
- MONTANA DONATION/SUPPLIES: Indigo Cantor P.O. Box 474 Trego, MT 59934 – indigothemuse@yahoo.com or 406-882-4545 and /or in Montana: Green Path Herb School, Attn: Elaine Sheff. 180 S. 3rd St. W. Missoula,Montana 59801
- TEXAS DONATIONS/RELIEF: TEXAS DONATIONS: Herbal Medics c/o The Human Path (Suchil Coffman-Guerra Sam Coffman) 25810 Mahogony Trail, San Antonio, TX 78255 or donations through https://www.generosity.com/emergencies-fundraising/hurricane-harvey-medical-and-community-response
- GULF COAST RELIEF Nicole Telkes of Wildflower School of Botanical Medicine and Gulf Coast Herbal Aid
Herbal Needs list https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeuxTHAnx1d33GazdHQxY6kETDmhniDjvjzfOf4L-6crNRcIA/viewform
Monetary donations to aid relief supplies/equipment/clinic operation https://www.youcaring.com/peoplealongthegulfcoast-917796
- Herbalists Without Borders donations toward supplies support during all natural disasters http://herbalistswithoutborders.weebly.com/
**** Sam Coffman and Herbal Medics have posted that with mold issues all respiratory herbs, herbal antibiotics antivirals, and herbs for skin and skin infections will be helpful.
nalgene bottles (1 and 2 oz. amber tincture bottle sizes) We need the 2 oz. size(#312085-2) and 4 oz. size (312085-4). and 1 oz as well (312085-1). Salve jars also.
These are ordered from Freund Container. Their # is 800.363.9822.
Our customer # is 3430618 and they will ship directly to Herbal Medics..
Herbalists Note: Products follow GMP/ all loose bulk herbs or tinctures etc: marked Botanical name, date part used. source. fresh or dried plant, contact name. Lot # . Menstruum and type and percent: apple cider vinegar, glycerin, vodka 100 proof, syrup of raw local organic honey, etc.
Example: “Leonurus cardiaca Motherwort, 6/2017. Tincture/alcohol extract Fresh aerial tops/leaf in bloom. My yard. Prairie Magic Herbals. Lot 0162017 100 proof organic vodka 555-555-5555”
respiratory herbs, immune supports, antivirals, nervines-calming herbs needed by both groups Texas and Montana
Herbs to Donate:
Topical oils
Aloe Vera
Arnica – Madieae
Astragalus root
Bearberry – Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Bee Balm – Monarda
Black Haw – Viburnum prunifolium
Black Walnut – Juglans nigra
Bleeding Heart – Lamprocapnos spectabilis
Blue Skullcap – Scutellaria lateriflora
Burdock – Arctium lappa
Calendula officinalis
Catnip – Nepeta cataria
Chamomile – Matricaria
Chatse tree/Chateberry – Vitex agnus-castus
Comfrey – Symphytum officinale
Cone Flower – Echinacea
Elderberry – Sambucus Canadensis
Elecampane – Inula helenium
Female Ginseng – Angelica sinensis
Ghost Pipe – Monotropa uniflora
Goldenseal – Hydrastis canadensis
Hawthorn – Crataegus
Holy Basil – Tulsi Basil
Hyssop – Hyssopus officinalis
Jamaican dogwood – Piscidia piscipula
Lavender – Lavandula
Lemon Balm – Melissa officinalis
Lingzhi Mushroom – Ganoderma lucidum
Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra
Marshmallow Root– Althaea officinalis
Meadowsweet/Mead wort – Filipendula ulmaria
Mentha piperita spiritus
Motherwort – Leonurus cardiaca
Mullein Leaf – Verbascum
Myrrh – Commiphora myrrha
Nettles – Urtica dioica
Oat – Avena sativa
Osha Root/Porter’s Lovage – Ligusticum porteri
Pasque flower – Pulsatilla
Pau D’arco – Handroanthus impetiginosus
Persian Silk Tree – Albizia julibrissin
Purple passionflower – Passiflora incarnate
Raspberry Leaf
Red Clover – Trifolium pratense
Rose – Rosa sp.
Rosemary – Rosemarinus officinalis
Siberian Ginseng – Eleuthero senticosus
Slippery elm -Ulmus rubra
Solomon’s Seal – Polygonatum
St. John’s Wort – Hypericum perforatum
Thyme – Thymus vulgaris
Turmeric – Curcuma longa
Usnea barbata
Valerian – Valeriana officinalis
White Oak Bark
Wild yam – Dioscorea villosa
Wood betony – Stachys officinalis
Wormwood – Artemisia absinthium
Yarrow – Achillea millefolium
Yerba mansa – Anemopsis californica
More Supplies to Donate:
Cough Drops
Bach Rescue Remedy (liquid, lozenges, etc)
Gentian flower essence
Arnica and Calendula Homeopathic gels and sprays
Mullein garlic Ear Oil
Allergy remedies
Baby Aspirin
Pain aids…rubs, balms, patches,etc..
Herbal Chapsticks
Electrolytes, EmergenC
Quart Ziplocs
Snack size Ziplocs
2×3 Ziplocs
Paper Lunch Bags
Muslin Bags, tea strainers…
Dosage Cups (paper)
Dosage Cups (plastic)
Stir Sticks
Scoops / Spoons
Q tips and Cotton Balls
Hand Sanitizer
Alcohol Swabs
Hydrogen Peroxide
Rubbing alcohol
Witch hazel
Saline solution
Dish Soap / Sponge
Trash Bags
Tissues / Paper Towels
Disposable Gloves
Masks, eye protection glasses
Nail clippers, tweezers,
disposable razors
scissors..various types, sizes
Measuring Cup
Bath Towels (10)
Dish Towels (5)
Compress Cloths
Tape (duct, masking)
Band aids various sizes
gauze,various sizes
3×3 and 4×4 bandages,
Steri Strips
Non adhesive bandages
Ace Wraps and other bandages
surgical tape, waterproof tape, adhesive tape
Activated charcoal
Sunscreen (like Badger Balm etc..)
Bug Spray (Badger Balm, herbal, etc..)
Tea Bags–single; such as Traditional Medicinal, Alvita,etc. Throat Coat, • Nettles • Breathe Easy • Chamomile • Red Rasberry, • Gypsy Cold Care. Calming teas, nutritive, immune boosting, disinfectant teas, urinary tract, etc…