4 Herbs for Mental Focus
Boost brain health with safe and effective herbal remedies. The four herbs for mental focus covered in this video — chaste tree berry, saw palmetto, St. John’s wort and ginkgo — have stood the test of time and are proven to be reliable herbs for brain health. If you’re looking to boost mood, memory or naturally balance hormones herbs for mental health may be the way to go. Be sure to talk with your health-care practitioner before incorporating any herbs into your health regimen.
More on Herbs for Health from MOTHER EARTH NEWS: MOTHER raised the subject of natural supplements to combat stress, anxiety and depression recently with Dr. Richard Firshein, an expert in nutritional research and medicine. He agreed to give us the lowdown on five of the more talked about natural mood boosters: St. John’s wort, ginkgo, kava, tyrosine and SAM-e.
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