Green Patch: 2 Basic Types of Mulch

By Tina Marie Wilcox
Published on May 6, 2010
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<strong>1. Plant-based:</strong> Straw, pine needles, cottonseed hulls, tree bark, shredded tree leaves</p>
<strong>Best for:</strong> All gardens</p>
<strong>Don’t forget:</strong> Sprinkle a nitrogen source, such as agricultural cornmeal, on the surface before mulching so that the mulch doesn’t rob the soil of the nutrient as it breaks down.</p>
<strong>2. Mineral-based:</strong> Coarse sand, greensand, ground granite, lava rock, oyster shells</p>
<strong>Best for:</strong> Mediterranean natives such as rosemary, sage, thyme and winter savory</p>
<strong>Don’t forget:</strong> Add more of this type of mulch after a heavy rain and during the winter.</p>
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<em>Tina Marie Wilcox has been the head herb gardener at the Ozark Folk Center State Park in Mountain View, Arkansas, since 1984. She also writes Yarb Tales, a weekly column for the Ozark Folk Center (</em>
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<p>Click here for the main article, <a href=””>
<strong>Green Patch: Mulching Tips</strong>

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