Your Quilt Garden Patches

By Staff
Published on February 16, 2017

Your Quilt Garden Patches

Let this chart of popular crops guide you in selecting planting patches throughout the year. The times to maturity listed are estimates. I’ve included tips on whether to transplant or direct sow, but in some cases, you can make either work. 

Read More:

Plant a Patchwork Garden

Rotating Crops

How to Plant

Time to Maturity


ArugulaTransplant if possible; otherwise direct sow

20 to 25 days from transplant; 30 to 40 days if direct sown

Best in spring and fall
BeetsTransplant if possible; otherwise direct sow

35 to 50 days from transplant; 50 to 70 days if direct sown

Common in spring and fall, but will grow all year in many regions

BroccoliTransplant55 to 70 days from transplant

Common in spring and fall, but try a heat-resistant variety in summer, too

CabbageTransplant50 to 70 days from transplant

Common in spring and fall, but try a heat-resistant variety in summer, too

CarrotsDirect sow50 to 75 days

Common in spring and fall, but will grow all year in many regions

CauliflowerTransplant60 to 70 days from transplant

Common in spring and fall, but try a heat-resistant variety in summer, too

Collard greensTransplant55 to 65 days from transplant

Common in spring and fall, but will grow all year in areas with mild summers; can be harvested in snow

GarlicDirect seed individuallyOverwinter

Plant in September or October and harvest the following summer

KaleTransplant50 to 60 days from transplant

Common in spring and fall, but will grow all year in areas with mild summers; can be harvested in snow

LettuceTransplant if possible; otherwise direct sow

20 to 40 days from transplant; 30 to 50 days if direct sown

Common in spring and fall, but try a bolt-resistant variety in summer, too

New potatoesPlant seed potatoesAbout 65 daysPlant in early spring
Peas (snow, snap and shell)Transplant if possible; otherwise direct sow

35 to 45 days from transplant; 50 to 60 days if direct sown

Plant in early spring and try a fall planting as well
RadishesDirect sow22 daysBest in spring and fall
Salad mixesDirect sow30 daysBest in spring/fall; try warm-weather mix in summer
SpinachTransplant if possible; otherwise direct sow

25 to 35 days from transplant; 40 to 50 days if direct sown

Common in spring and fall, but try a bolt-resistant variety in summer, too; can be harvested in snow

Swiss chardTransplant35 to 45 days from transplant

Common in spring and fall, but will grow all year in regions with mild summers

Fixed CropsHow to PlantTime to MaturitySeasonality
EggplantTransplant50 to 80 days from transplantPlant in late spring and leave until frost
FlowersTransplantVariablePlant in spring and leave until frost
Green beansTransplant if possible; otherwise direct sow

45 days from transplant; 60 days if direct sown

Succession sow from spring through summer and leave until frost

HerbsTransplantVariablePlant in late spring and leave until frost
OnionsTransplant85 to 115 days from transplantPlant in spring and harvest in late summer
PeppersTransplant65 to 85 days from transplantPlant in late spring and leave until frost
Potatoes (full-season)Plant seed potatoes90 to 110 days Plant in early spring and harvest as plants die back
ZucchiniTransplant30 to 45 days from transplantPlant in late spring and leave until frost

Canopy Crops

How to Plant

Time to Maturity


CucumbersTransplant40 to 55 days from transplantPlant in late spring and leave until frost
MelonsTransplant65 to 80 days from transplantPlant in late spring and leave until frost
Pumpkins/winter squashTransplant65 to 100 days from transplantPlant in late spring and leave until frost
Sweet cornDirect sow70 to 90 daysSuccession sow in blocks in spring/early summer
TomatoesTransplant55 to 90 days from transplantPlant in late spring and leave until frost
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