Simple Herbal Gifts: Herbal Wreaths

By The Herb Companion Staff
Published on November 4, 2008

Small herb wreaths like this one can go directly into the soup pot, or you can hang one in the kitchen to be plucked from as needed. Present them in plastic bags to hold their flavors and minimize shattering.

• Stiff flower stalks of regular or garlic chives
• Long sprigs of thyme, parsley, oregano, and marjoram
• Long seed heads of basil
• Short sprigs of sage and rosemary
• Dried chili peppers

Twist chive stalks into a 4- to 5-inch circle to form a base for the wreath. Twist in sprigs of thyme, parsley, oregano, and marjoram and basil seed heads to fill out the wreath. Add a single short sprig of rosemary or sage. Let dry thoroughly; the wreath will shrink slightly. Thread three or four dried chilis on sewing thread and tie around top of wreath. Cover thread with a tie of kitchen twine or a narrow ribbon.

Developed by Jim Long of Long Creek Herb Farm, Oak Grove, Arkansas.

For more projects from Simple Herbal Gifts,click here.

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