Herb Love: An Herbal Flower Girl Wreath

By Theresa Loe
Published on October 22, 2009
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<p>A wedding flower girl is irresistible when dressed in a dainty natural crown of herbs.</p>
<li>Wrap an 18-inch piece of 18-gauge floral wire from end to end with green florist’s tape, stretching it as you go. Then bend each end of the wire into a small loop with needlenose pliers.</li>
<li>Cut 3-inch-long sprigs of herbs and flowers such as rosemary, sage, miniature carnations and roses, baby’s-breath, and statice. Make several small bundles of four or five sprigs each, including at least one flower and some statice or baby’s-breath in each one.</li>
<li>Lay a bundle with its stems parallel with the wire and wrap it securely with floral tape. Without cutting the tape, add another bundle so that its leaves cover the stems of the first one. Wrap the tape again. Continue in this way until you reach the end of the wire; wrap the last bundle securely before tearing off the tape.</li>
<li>Tie long ribbon streamers onto the wire loops at each end and bend the wire into a circle. You can adjust the size of the wreath simply by tying the streamers together tightly or loosely. Hold it in place with a bobby pin or two.</li>
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<em>Theresa Loe is the author of</em> Herbal Weddings: Past and Present.</p>
<p>Click here for the original article, <a href=”https://www.motherearthliving.com/garden-projects/the-language-of-love.aspx”>Herb Love: A Wedding Tradition</a>.</p>

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