Creating Sacred Space in Your Garden

By Marsha Scarbrough
Published on November 4, 2009
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Photo by Stephen Darbowski

“According to mystics, spaces aren’t sacred because of their location but because of all the prayers said on that land,” Chris Prelitz says. He offers these tips for creating sacred space outdoors.

Find a place that’s quiet and peaceful. “Your best clue is to notice where your cats hang out,” Chris notes.

Transform an ugly spot. Damaged land offers an opportunity for healing. Spending time in meditation and prayer at a certain place helps sanctify it.

Remind yourself of your oneness with Creation. Place statues, art, water, candles, crystals, or stones engraved with inspiring words in your garden.

Make places to rest. Place a chair or bench in a comfortable spot, then sit ­quietly. Spend time “being” rather than doing.

Create ceremonies. Burn incense or sage. Write your prayers and intentions on colorful strips of paper and bury them or tie them to branches. Plant a tree as part of a ceremony. Host a wedding. Start a garden meditation circle with ­family and friends.

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