Sustainable Gardening Tips

By Carol Crupper
Published on February 19, 2009
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Photo By Diane Guthrie
Lark sparrow eggs nestle in native grass.

These sustainable gardening practices respect air quality, water supply and soil.

? Mulch. Natural mulch, such as grass clippings and fallen leaves, helps retain moisture and adds nutrients to the soil, cutting the need for water and fertilizer.

? Reduce grass. Lawn mowers account for 5 percent of our nation’s air pollution, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Replace grass with flowers, bushes and trees to trim your work load, eliminate pollution and attract wildlife.

? Xeriscape. Planting native, drought-tolerant plants helps cut water use and maintain soil integrity.

? Catch rain. Using rain barrels saves water and money while providing a ready source of water for outdoor plants.

? Go native. Not only do native plants require less fertilizer, water and pest control, but they also serve as pollinators and food for native wildlife.

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