Eating local, organic and in-season foods is a growing trend because it benefits so many: Consumers get healthier foods, farmers can sell directly to consumers and less energy is required to get food from the farm to your plate. These six sources make it easy to partake.
1. Community-supported agriculture (CSA)
Buy a subscription with a local farmer for a weekly boxful of the fresh harvest. To find CSAs: Local Harvest or Green People
2. Community gardens
Join with neighbors to cultivate plots of produce, flowers and herbs–and grow neighborhood roots. For information: American Community Gardening Association and Garden Sites Directory
3. Farmer’s markets
Discover fresh produce, gourmet mushrooms, herbs, eggs, handcrafted cheeses, jams, flowers, honey and pastries. For area markets: Local Harvest or Green People
4. Live wholesale produce auctions
Customers determine pricing through a bidding process, so you can pick up real bargains. At small tables, bulk quantities are not too large for home cooks. Locate auctions: Homerville Wholesale Produce Auction
5. Urban farms
These green oases often flourish in formerly vacant lots. In addition to supplying fresh produce, some metro farms sell plants and provide gardening training. To search online, type “urban farm” and the name of your city into a search engine.
6. Direct online marketplace
If you can’t find a local supplier, get organic produce and more delivered to your door. Contact Diamond Organics Farm Fresh or Farm Fresh to You.