Buy the Best Milk: Organic Milk Resources

By Tabitha Alterman
Published on February 2, 2011
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The recent tremendous growth in organic food sales means grocery-store shelves are brimming with healthier options—but how do you choose the best milk? Researchers at the small farm-advocacy group Cornucopia Institute did the work for you, investigating the production practices of about 70 dairies nationwide. Their “4 Cow”- and “5 Cow”-rated superstars take sustainability seriously—producing happier cows and a healthier product. To view the complete list, see “Maintaining the Integrity of Organic Milk” at



Amish Country Farms
(973) 256-7676

Camphill Village Kimberton Hills 

Organic Valley 

Whole Foods Market (365 Organic) 

East Coast 

Evans Farmhouse Creamery
(607) 334-5339

Hails Family Farm 

Hawthorne Valley Farm 

MOO – Maine’s Own Organic Milk 

Natural by Nature 

Strafford Organic Creamery 

Traders Point Creamery 

Lakes States 

Castle Rock Organic Farms 

Cedar Summit Farm 

Crystal Ball Farms
(715) 294-4090

Old Home 

Sassy Cow Creamery 


Farmers All Natural Creamery 

Green Hills Harvest 

Hy-Vee Health Market 

Radiance Dairy
(641) 472-8554

Totally Green 

Wisconsin Organics 

West Coast  

Clover Organic Farms 

Fresh Breeze Organic Dairy 

Organic Pastures Dairy Company 

Stremicks Heritage Foods 

Sunnyside Farms 

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